Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

The Boys' First Halloween Together

Petey enjoyed playing with the pumpkin guts while Noah "helped" Daddy carve
the jack-o'-lanterns.

Jack-o'-Lanterns: The Finished Products
(Noah is making his "Halloween Face")

Trick-or-Treating: So Much Fun!

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I noticed in the photos is how much Peter is smiling. Not so when we first met him a little more than 5 months ago. So glad he is now part of our family -- forever!

    And I'm glad Noah didn't get called out to a fire and was able to finish Trick-or-Treating. He looks like he is ready to jump on the back of a hook-and-ladder. I should have worn my Dalmatian costume and gone with him -- missed opportunity.
