Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Thanksgiving Blessing!


I am thrilled to announce that we have been matched with our child! This happened months before expected, further evidence that God is driving this adoption. A few weeks ago, we received a referral for a precious two-year-old boy. We knew that he was our son and, after reviewing his file with several medical professionals, we wrote a Letter of Intent formally expressing our intention to adopt him. We are so elated to know who our son is and are filled with so much love for him! Thank you to everyone who has helped us and prayed for us along the way.

We are pleased to be naming our son Peter, after Matt's beloved maternal grandfather - Grandpa Pete - who passed away in July.

We told Noah that God has found us his little brother and I showed him photos of his adorable little brother. When I asked Noah what he thought of him, he said, "I like him!" in a bright and matter-of-fact voice. When I asked him what he liked best about his brother, he thought about it and then replied, "If he has to go potty, I'll take him to the toilet." That's my funny boy! And I'm so glad that he's already thinking about how to be a helpful older brother.

It will still be at least eight months before we can travel to China to get Peter. So, we'd appreciate your continued prayers for this process to continue to move smoothly and swiftly; for God to watch over Peter and bless his health and development; for Peter to feel loved by his caretakers, by us from afar, and by the Lord; for Peter's caretakers to nurture him; and for God to order our steps each step of the way.

A friend from church, who has adopted one child and is in the process of adopting a second, refers to this time period between knowing who your child is on paper and actually meeting him as being "paper pregnant." That is such a perfect way to describe it that I had to share it here!

We are not yet permitted to post any photos or personal information about Peter. But we look forward to sharing pictures of him when we can.

It is with great joy that I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Abiding in Him

If there is one thing that has been proven to me time and time again throughout this adoption process, it is that God is in control. He is in control of the timing. He is in control of all the details. He is in control of my communications with agency personnel and with doctors. He is in control of the admin. He is in control of bringing us the child that He has planned for our family. He has hand picked that child, is caring for him, and will deliver him into our arms. On so many occasions during this time sensitive process, on too many occasions really, I have stressed over the details, about whether certain meetings would take place on time, about whether I'd be able to communicate with certain people, about whether I'd be able to find out critical information. What God has shown me over and over again is that He is with me, this adoption is in His hands, and that He always comes through. He always meets my needs and takes care of me. It gives me great relief to know that I abide in Jesus and Jesus abides in me, as stated in John 15